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Summer 2007







 Online Resources 



Distributed Programming II

Instructor: Qusay H. Mahmoud

Email: qmahmoud at uoguelph.ca 
Office: GH408E
Office hours: Tue & Thu 8:30 - 9:30am or by an appointment

Course Description
Building on DCCT*3030, this course provides a comprehensive survey of the advanced tools and techniques for building distributed systems: architectures and topologies, distribution models and phenomena affecting efficiency and performance. Communication in distributed systems, middleware, server and client programming. Practical experience is gained in the application of the technology: sockets, remote invocation, broker architectures, and web services design and development. Students analyze strategies of distribution of computing load and file systems, and principles and techniques in fault-tolerance. This course involves large projects and work sharing in teams.

The objective of this course is to expose students to a wide range of interesting and challenging concepts in distributed systems from which students can go on to industry and/or research. You will learn about issues relevant to the design, implementation, and operation of distributed systems. Distributed programming labs and assignments will provide you with hands-on experience with Java Sockets, RMI, and other technologies. In addition, you will practice working in groups to design and build a distributed system of your own.

Copyright © Qusay H. Mahmoud , University of Guelph.