Bibliography on Secure Network Coding    


Maintained by

Rongxing LU and Chen LI and Xiaoli XU and Xing ZHANG


Faculty of Computer Science

University of New Brunswick

ITC Building, 550 Windsor Street Fredericton, NB, Canada E3B 5A3

    Network coding, as a promising networking technique to improve a network's throughput, scalability, and robustness, has gained a great deal of attention since its inception with the seminal paper "Network Information Flow" (R. Ahlswede, N. Cai, S.-Y. R. Li, and R. W. Yeung, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, IT-46, pp. 1204-1216, 2000) . Theoretically, network coding can indeed improve the throughput and robustness of a network. However, before network coding technique can be really applied and accepted in practical scenarios, we must carefully address its unique security challenges. Otherwise, people may not have enough confidence to impel this technique. For example, due to its multicast in nature, when network coding technique benefits a network, the network would become fragile when attacks (e.g., pollution attacks) exist. Although it has been witnessed in recent years that many research efforts have been carried out to solve the network coding security challenges in secrecy and pollution attacks based on not only information theory techniques but also cryptographic techniques, the security challenges of network coding are still far from being perfectly solved. Therefore, for network coding security research, the future is challenging, but the reward is also attractive.
   It would be useful to create an up-to-date bibliography on secure network coding and make it available on the Internet. So we try our best to maintain a complete list of all secure network coding.
   In general, we are including literatures in English, which are published in conference proceedings, journals, and some unpublished technical reports or dissertations. We would appreciate knowing of any errors in this list, as well as any literatures that should be added. Please e-mail to us.


  Bibliography on Secure Network Coding

  • [A15] Atsan, Emre. "Bringing physical layer cooperation closer to practical wireless systems." (2015).
  • [CJL15] Cheng C, Jiang T, Liu Y, et al. Security analysis of a homomorphic signature scheme for network coding. Security and Communication Networks, 2015.
  • [CFP15] Czap L, Fragouli C, Prabhakaran V M, et al. Secure network coding with erasures and feedback[J]. Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on, 2015, 61(4): 1667-1686.
  • [CZJZ15] Cao, Zhanghua, Shibing Zhang, Xiaodong Ji, Lai Zhang. "Secure random linear network coding on a wiretap network." AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 69(1),2015: 467-472.
  • [CXZ15] Chang, Jinyong, and Rui Xue. "A Generic Construction of Homomorphic MAC for Multi-File Transmission in Network Coding." Journal of Communications 10.1 (2015).
  • [D15] Ding, Xiake. Network Coding Performance Evaluation and An Application to Underwater Networks. Diss. University of Ottawa, 2015.
  • [EJ15] Engelmann A, Jukan A. Balancing the Demands of Reliability and Security with Linear Network Coding in Optical Networks[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1510.06969, 2015.
  • [EMRN15] Esfahani, A., Mantas, G., Rodriguez, J., Nascimento, A., & Neves, J. C. (2015, June). A null space-based MAC scheme against pollution attacks to Random linear Network Coding. In Communication Workshop (ICCW), 2015 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 1521-1526).
  • [EYMN15] Esfahani, Alireza, et al. "Dual-Homomorphic Message Authentication Code Scheme for Network Coding-Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks." International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (2015).
  • [FF15] Forutan, Vahid, and Robert FH Fischer. "On the Security of Lattice-based Physical-layer Network Coding Against Wiretap Attacks." SCC 2015; 10th International ITG Conference on Systems, Communications and Coding; Proceedings of. VDE, 2015.
  • [FF15b] Forutan, Vahid, and Robert FH Fischer. "Security-enhanced network coding through public-key cryptography." Communications and Network Security (CNS), 2015 IEEE Conference on. IEEE, 2015.
  • [FGG15] Fiandrotti, Attilio, Rossano Gaeta, and Marco Grangetto. "Simple Countermeasures to Mitigate the Effect of Pollution Attack in Network Coding-Based Peer-to-Peer Live Streaming." Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on 17.4 (2015): 562-573.
  • [GLF15] Guang X, Lu J, Fu F W. On the Optimality of Secure Network Coding. Communications Letters, IEEE. 2015.7(19):1165 - 1168
  • [GLF15b] Guang X, Lu J, Fu F W. Small Field Size for Secure Network Coding. Communications Letters, IEEE, 2015, 19(3): 375-378.
  • [HZM15] Hu, Zhiwen, Li Zhu, and Huaqing Mao. "Random linear network coding with probabilistic polynomial–time wiretap adversary." International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics 7.1 (2015): 41-53.
  • [HWH15] Huang W, Wang T, Hu X, et al. Rateless and pollution-attack-resilient network coding[C]//Information Theory (ISIT), 2015 IEEE International Symposium on. IEEE, 2015: 2623-2627.
  • [HZX15] He, Shiming, Weini Zeng, and Kun Xie. "Privacy Preserving for Network Coding in Smart Grid." Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing. Springer International Publishing, 2015. 640-654.
  • [JCZ15] Ji, Shiyu, Tingting Chen, Sheng Zhong. "Wormhole Attack Detection Algorithms in Wireless Network Coding Systems." IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, 14(3),2015: 660-674.
  • [JG15] Jumde A, Gupta S. An Efficient Dynamic TESLA based Authentication Scheme for Secure Network Coding[J]. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 2015, 2(06).
  • [K15] Kim, Young-Sik. "Comments on “An Efficient Homomorphic MAC with Small Key Size for Authentication in Network Coding”." Computers, IEEE Transactions on 64.12 (2015): 3619-3620.
  • [KTC15] Khan A S, Tassi A, Chatzigeorgiou I. Rethinking the intercept probability of random linear network coding[J]. Communications Letters, IEEE, 2015, 19(10): 1762-1765.
  • [KZG15] Kalantari A, Zheng G, Gao Z, et al. Secrecy Analysis on Network Coding in Bidirectional Multibeam Satellite Communications. Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on.2015, 9(10):1862 - 1874.
  • [L15] Liu G. Practical Schemes for Tunable Secure Network Coding. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS), 2015, 9(3): 1193-1209.
  • [LBJ15] Lin H, Bai D, Jiang A, et al. A Light-Weight Linear Network Coding Cipher Model Based on Cloud Computing for Collaborative Wireless Sensor Networks[J]. JOURNAL OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY, 2015, 16(5): 923-931.
  • [LCLL15] Li Chen, Le Chen, Rongxing Lu, Hui Li:. "Comment on "An Efficient Homomorphic MAC with Small Key Size for Authentication in Network Coding"." IEEE Trans. Computers 64(3): 882-883 (2015)
  • [LLL15] LIU G, LIU B, LIU X, et al. LIU, Guangjun, et al. "Low-Complexity Secure Network Coding Against Wiretapping Using Intra/Inter-generation Coding." (2015)
  • [LLL15b] Jun L I U, Yi'nan L I U, Hui L I U, et al. Network Coding Anti-eavesdropping Algorithm for Ad hoc Networks[J]. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2015, 24(CJE-3): 639-641.
  • [LYT15] Lou X, Yao H, Tan C W, et al. VANDER: Efficient Cooperative Watchdog Monitoring for Lossy Wireless Network Coding. Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on, 2015, 64(2): 702-713.
  • [MSK15] Manish Kumar, Verma Shekhar, Lata Kusum. "Secure data aggregation in wireless sensor networks using homomorphic encryption". International Journal of Electronics,102:4, 2015: 690-702.
  • [PFR15] Pfennig S, Franz E, Richter J, et al. Confidential Network Coding: Physical Layer vs. Network Layer[C]//Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband (ICUWB), 2015 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2015: 1-5.
  • [SHP15] Shang T, Huang F, Peng T, et al. A Deep Detection Scheme against Pollution Attacks in Wireless Inter-flow Network Coding[C]//Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT), 2015 Fifth International Conference on. IEEE, 2015: 102-106.
  • [SPL15] Shang T, Peng T, Liu J. Secure multi-source network coding scheme with lattice signature[J]. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 2015, 20(6): 476-482.
  • [TBLR15] Talooki, Vahid Nazari, et al. "Security Concerns and Countermeasures in Network Coding Based Communications Systems: A Survey." Computer Networks (2015).
  • [TFY15] Tao F, Fei X, Ye L, et al. Secure Network Coding-Based Named Data Network Mutual Anonymity communication Protocol. 2015.
  • [TG15] Trushina O V, Gabidulin E M. A new method for ensuring anonymity and security in network coding[J]. Problems of Information Transmission, 2015, 51(1): 75-81.
  • [XBZW15] Xie, Mande, et al. "Social role-based secure large data objects dissemination in mobile sensing environment." Computer Communications (2015).
  • [ZDL15] Zhuang, Zhuojun, et al. "Secure error-correcting network codes with side information leakage." IET Communications (2015).
  • [ZYY15] Zhu D, Yang X, Yu W. SPAIS: A novel Self-checking Pollution Attackers Identification Scheme in network coding-based wireless mesh networks. Computer Networks, 2015, 91: 376-389.

  • [AA14] Aalsalem, Mohammed Y., Abror Abduvaliyev, Nicola Accettura, Richelle Adams, Richard O. Afolabi, Toufik Ahmed, Lina Al-Kanj et al. "2013 Index IEEE Communications Surveys&Tutorials Vol. 15." IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS & TUTORIALS 16, no. 1 (2014).
  • [AA14b] Avci, Serhat Nazim, and Ender Ayanoglu. "Link Failure Recovery in Large Arbitrary Networks via Network Coding."
  • [ABMK14] Akre, Abhiruchi, Kimi Bhoyar, Ankita Malve, Avantika Kalbande, and Pawan Khade. "An Approach for Minimization of Power Consumption in Ad-Hoc Network." (2014).
  • [AE14] Abuzainab, Nof, and A. Ehremides. "Secure Distributed Information Exchange." (2014): 1-1.
  • [AM14] Zhang, Ning, and Jon W. Mark. "Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networking." In Security-aware Cooperation in Cognitive Radio Networks, pp. 15-22. Springer New York, 2014.
  • [AZB14] Aguiar, Everaldo, Yihua Zhang, and Marina Blanton. "An Overview of Issues and Recent Developments in Cloud Computing and Storage Security." In High Performance Cloud Auditing and Applications, pp. 3-33. Springer New York, 2014.
  • [BR14] de Beaudrap, Niel, and Martin Roetteler. "Quantum linear network coding as one-way quantum computation." arXiv preprint arXiv:1403.3533 (2014).
  • [BSAB14] Bora, Saurabh, Shivendra Singh, Sheikh Mohamad Arsalan, and Anchit Bijalwan. "Watchdog: A Study on Examining and Eliminating Misbehavior." International Journal of Computer Applications 87 (2014).
  • [BZZ14] Bao J, Zhang S, Zhang J, et al. Secure efficient routing based on network coding in the delay tolerant networks[C]//Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS), 2014 5th IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2014: 456-459.
  • [C14] Chu, Chung-Hua. "Preference-aware coding data broadcast in delay tolerant networks." Wireless Networks: 1-14.
  • [CB14] CIUCHI, Costel, and Angelica BACIVAROV. "Evaluating the Survivability and Security of Complex Web Systems."
  • [CBK14] Corena J C, Basu A, Kiyomoto S, et al. XOR network coding pollution prevention without homomorphic functions[C]//Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), 2014 IEEE 11th. IEEE, 2014: 293-300.
  • [CFWD14] Chen, Dai Mei, Xi Hui Fan, Yu Mei Wang, and Yue Du. "Cooperative Retransmission Based on Network Coding with Fourier Matrix for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks." Applied Mechanics and Materials 462 (2014): 701-705.
  • [CFWD14] Chorti A, Molu M M, Karpuk D, et al. Strong secrecy in wireless network coding systems with M-QAM modulators[C]//Communications in China (ICCC), 2014 IEEE/CIC International Conference on. IEEE, 2014: 181-186.
  • [CXY14] Chen, Fei, et al. "Secure cloud storage meets with secure network coding." INFOCOM, 2014 Proceedings IEEE. IEEE, 2014.
  • [CY14] Cheng, F., and R. W. Yeung. "Performance Bounds on a Wiretap Network with Arbitrary Wiretap Sets." 1-1.
  • [D14] Desai, Maulik. "Topics in Routing and Network Coding for Wireless Networks." PhD diss., COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, 2014.
  • [DPS14] Dhodre, Ms Kalyani, Mr Sudhakar Parate, and Mr Ashish Sambare. "Implementation Implementation of Websocket ebsocket ebsocket over p2p Network As Review Paper."
  • [DYZ14] Deng, Dan, Zhen-lun Yang, and Ming Zhao. "PHY security enhancement in analog network coding based on artificial noise." Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), 2014 Sixth International Conference on. IEEE, 2014.
  • [DZLL14] Du, Rong, Chenglin Zhao, Shenghong Li, and Jian Li. "A Strategy of Network Coding Against Wiretapping Attack Based on Network Segmentation." In The Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems, pp. 1137-1144. Springer International Publishing, 2014.
  • [DZLL14b] Du, Rong, Chenglin Zhao, Shenghong Li, and Jian Li. "Efficient weakly secure network coding scheme against node conspiracy attack based on network segmentation." EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, no. 1 (2014): 1-9.
  • [EFE14] Elhameed, Amaal S. Abd, Yasmeen A. Fahmy, and Magdy S. El-Soudani. "A New Methodology for Network Coding." Int. J. Com. Dig. Sys 3, no. 1 (2014): 37-45.
  • [FGP14] Fodor, Gabor, Ather Gattami, and Aidilla Pradini. "Device-to-Device Communication and Network Coding: Friends or Foes?."
  • [FMMGC14] Ferreira, Ronedo, Waldir Moreira, Paulo Mendes, Mario Gerla, and Eduardo Cerqueira. "Improving the Delivery Rate of Digital Inclusion Applications for Amazon Riverside Communities by Using an Integrated Bluetooth DTN Architecture." International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security 14, no. 1 (2014).
  • [FPR14] Franz, Elke, Stefan Pfennig, and Tobias Reiher. "Efficiency of Rateless Secure Network Coding." Procedia Technology 17 (2014): 162-169.
  • [FSS14] Fodor, Gabor, Stefano Sorrentino, and Shabnam Sultana. "Network Assisted Device-to-Device Communications: Use Cases, Design Approaches, and Performance Aspects." In Smart Device to Smart Device Communication, pp. 135-163. Springer International Publishing, 2014.
  • [G14] Guo, Yunhong. "Efficient Abnormality Diagnosis Scheme on Network Security." In Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Cybernetics and Informatics, pp. 1151-1157. Springer New York, 2014.
  • [GK14] Gilba, P. Blessing, and S. Siva Kumar. "Securing the Wireless Mesh Networks against Epidemic Attack."
  • [GSC14] Goeckel, Dennis, Azadeh Sheikholeslami, and Cagatay Capar. "Everlasting Secrecy in Wireless Communications: Challenges and Approaches."
  • [GWPZ14] Gerla, Mario, Chuchu Wu, Giovanni Pau, and Xiaoqing Zhu. "Content distribution in VANETs." Vehicular Communications 1, no. 1 (2014): 3-12.
  • [GYL14] Guo, Hua, Sheng-Wen Yu, and Douglas Leith. "Opportunistic Cooperative Reliable Transmission Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks." Journal of Networks 9, no. 4 (2014): 1040-1046.
  • [HCZGCB14] He, D., S. Chan, Y. Zhang, M. Guizani, C. Chen, and J. Bu. "South China University of Technology and Zhejiang University." Network, IEEE 28, no. 1 (2014): 10-16.
  • [HHLK14] Huang, Wentao, Tracey Ho, Michael Langberg, and Joerg Kliewer. "Reverse Edge Cut-Set Bounds for Secure Network Coding." arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.7085 (2014).
  • [HLXX14] He Heng, Ruixuan Li, Zhiyong Xu, Weijun Xiao. "An efficient ECC-based mechanism for securing network coding-based P2P content distribution". Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. Volume 7, Issue 4, pp 572-589(2014).
  • [HMCL14] Huang Jen-Fa, Sheng-Hui Meng, Kai-Sheng Chen, and Ying-Chen Lin. "Securing optical code-division multiple-access networks with a postswitching coding scheme of signature reconfiguration". 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (2014).
  • [HV14] Hassanabadi, Behnam, and Shahrokh Valaee. "Reliable Periodic Safety Message Broadcasting in VANETs Using Network Coding." 1-14.
  • [HZ14] Hui, Li, and Zhou Yejun. "Secure Network Coding Near Max Flow." (2014).
  • [JJ14] Jie, Xia, and Rui Jun Jing. "On-line Decrypting: A Homomorphic Realization for Network Coding." Applied Mechanics and Materials 543 (2014): 2728-2732.
  • [JJ14b] Jariwala, Vivaksha J., and Devesh C. Jinwala. "Investigating Approaches for Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks."
  • [JJR14] Jayasinghe L, Jayasinghe P, Rajatheva N, et al. Secure Beamforming Design for Physical Layer Network Coding based MIMO Two-way Relaying[J]. 2014.
  • [KH14] Kukade, Madhavi S., and Kapil N. Hande. "Analysis of Uniform Distribution of Storage Nodes in Wireless Sensor Network." (2014): 43-47.
  • [KKA14] Khalaf, Taha, Sang Wu Kim, and A. Abdel-Hakim. "Tradeoff Between Reliability and Security in Multiple Access Relay Networks under Falsified Data Injection Attack." (2014): 1-1.
  • [KKS14] Kulkarni, S. M., S. A. Khaliq, and S. Srilakshmi. "ASSORTMENT OF JAMMERS FOR SHELTERED TWO-WAY COMPLEX."
  • [KOK14] Kurosawa, Kaoru, Hiroyuki Ohta, and Kenji Kakuta. "How to Construct Strongly Secure Network Coding Scheme." In Information Theoretic Security, pp. 1-17. Springer International Publishing, 2014.
  • [KS14] KEERTHIKA, A., and A. SANTHIYA. "An Efficient Call Control and Secure Mechanism for Routing Protocol."
  • [KST14] Kumaraswamy, M., K. Shaila, V. Tejaswi, K. R. Venugopal, S. S. Iyengar, and L. M. Patnaik. "Efficient Retransmission QoS-Aware MAC Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks." In Networks and Communications (NetCom2013), pp. 31-42. Springer International Publishing, 2014.
  • [L14] Lefebvre, Philippe. "ICT 5: Smart Networks and Novel Internet Architectures* ICT 6: Smart optical and wireless network technologies."
  • [LCL14] Li Chen, Rongxing Lu, Hui Li, Le Chen, Xiaoqing Li. "Comment on "A Novel Homomorphic MAC Scheme for Authentication in Network Coding"". IEEE Communications Letters 18(12): 2129-2132 (2014)
  • [LL14] Li, Chenhui, and Songtao Liang. "An improvement of quasi-cyclic minimum storage regenerating codes for distributed storage." In Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp. 1103-1107. IEEE, 2014.
  • [LLLL14] Liu, Jun, Chang Liu, Hui Liu, and Xiang-jun Liu. "Pollution Resistance Network Coding Research for Ad hoc Network." In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, pp. 261-268. Springer India, 2014.
  • [LW14] Liu J, Wang F F, Li S, et al. Ad hoc Eavesdropping Algorithm-Based Network Coding[C]//Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology. Springer India, 2014: 155-161.
  • [LWLL14] Liu, Jun, Fei Fei Wang, Shao-hua Li, and Sheng-li Li. "Ad hoc Eavesdropping Algorithm-Based Network Coding." In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, pp. 155-161. Springer India, 2014.
  • [LXMS14] Liu, Jiangchuan, Ke Xu, Yongqiang Xiong, Dongchao Ma, and Kai Shuang. "Peer-to-peer as an infrastructure service." Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (2014): 1-3.
  • [M14] Maier, Martin. "The escape of Sisyphus or what “Post NG-PON2” should do apart from neverending capacity upgrades." Optics 1, no. 1 (2014): 47-66.
  • [MA14] Masucci, Antonia Maria, and Cédric Adjih. "Efficiency of Broadcast with Network Coding in Wireless Networks." (2014).
  • [MBD14] Murli, Prateek, Sanjay Batish, and Amardeep Dhiman. "ANALYSIS OF SECURITY ATTACKS IN VANET."
  • [MS14] Mahmoud, Mohamed MEA, and Xuemin Sherman Shen. "Efficient Incentive Scheme." In Security for Multi-hop Wireless Networks, pp. 15-61. Springer International Publishing, 2014.
  • [P14] Padró, Carles. "Information Theoretic Security."
  • [PAM14] Picone, Marco, Michele Amoretti, Marco Martalò, Francesco Zanichelli, and Gianluigi Ferrari. "Combining geo‐referencing and network coding for distributed large‐scale information management." Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (2014).
  • [PC14] Patil, Jagdish, and Deepak Singh Chouhan. "Anypath Routing Approach for Opportunistic Networks." (2014).
  • [PJWBSD14] Penn, Alexandra S., Paul D. Jensen, Amy Woodward, Lauren Basson, Frank Schiller, and Angela Druckman. "Sketching a network portrait of the humber region." Complexity (2014).
  • [PP14] Pasqualetti, Fabio, and Alberto Padoan. "Private Network Coding without Secret Keys."
  • [PPS14] Prabha, K., B. Kavi Priya, and S. Sukumaran. "Resource Constrained Leader Election Scheme for Intrusion Detection in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks."
  • [R14] Roca, Vincent. "RLC and AL-FEC@ IETF: when codes meet transport protocols and practical aspects." In Algebraic approaches to storage and network coding-COST IC1104. 2014.
  • [RA14] Al Rawi, Anas F., Sonia A?ssa, Charalampos C. Tsimenidis, Bayan S. Sharif, Huan Cong Nguyen, Elisabeth de Carvalho, Ramjee Prasad et al. "IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS."
  • [RM14] Ramani, I. A., and P. Marichamy. "Throughput improvement with Decode-Forward and Compress-Forward Channels." (2014).
  • [RS14] Ramalakshmi, K., and P. K. Sasikumar. "Double Layer Security in the Swarm Intelligence P2P Network."
  • [RZY14] Ren, Tao, Zhi-liang Zhu, and Hai Yu. "Design of Finite-Time Synchronization Controller and Its Application to Security Communication System." Appl. Math 8, no. 1 (2014): 387-391.
  • [S14] Shankar, R. "Mobile Adaptive Opportunistic Junction for Health Care Networking in Different Geographical Region."
  • [SA14] Saravanan, Mr D., and Mr I. Anbumuthu. "A Novel Node Security Mechanism For Mobile Ad-Hoc Network."
  • [SE14] Stefan,Pfennig, and Elke Franz. "Adjustable redundancy for secure network coding in a unicast scenario." Network Coding (NetCod), 2014 International Symposium on. IEEE, 2014.
  • [SK14] Son, Pham Ngoc, and Hyung Yun Kong. "Exact Outage Probability of Two-Way Decode-and-Forward Scheme with Opportunistic Relay Selection Under Physical Layer Security." Wireless Personal Communications (2014): 1-29.
  • [SPL14] Shang,Tao, Pei Hengli, and Liu Jianwei. "Secure network coding based on lattice signature." Communications, China 11.1 (2014): 138-151.
  • [SDGDV14] Sivaraj, Sumathi, L. Dhanam, S. Mohana Gowri, P. Dhivya, and R. Vanathi. "Homomorphic Encryption Based Privacy Preservation against Traffic Analysis in Wireless Networks." International Journal 2, no. 2 (2014).
  • [SDGDV14] Sivaraj, Sumathi, L. Dhanam, S. Mohana Gowri, P. Dhivya, and R. Vanathi. "Homomorphic Encryption Based Privacy Preservation against Traffic Analysis in Wireless Networks." International Journal 2, no. 2 (2014).
  • [T14] TSAO, TSUNG-PO. "A study on openness-oriented data dissemination in mobile ad hoc networks." (2014).
  • [TA14] Tandan, Shekhar, and Suruchi Agrawal. "Improved Key Exchange Based Security for MANET."
  • [TMM14] Taisuke, Yamamoto, Hirotomo Masanori, Mohri Masami, and Shiraishi Yoshiaki. "Certificate Revocation List Distribution with Low Frequency Transmission Type Network Coded Communication Using Estimated Unreceived Symbols Broadcast for ITS." 情報処理学会研究報告. ITS,[高度交通システム] 2014, no. 5 (2014): 1-7.
  • [WCDBW14] Wang, Jiajia, Jingchao Chen, Hexiang Duan, Hongbo Ba, and Jianjun Wu. "Jammer selection for secure two-way DF relay communications with imperfect CSI." In Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp. 300-303. IEEE, 2014.
  • [WGJ14] Wei, Pei, Rentao Gu, and Yuefeng Ji. "Network coding based joint signaling and dynamic bandwidth allocation scheme for inter optical network unit communication in passive optical networks." Optical Fiber Technology (2014).
  • [WL14] Wang, Xiaoyan, and Jie Li. "Network Coding Aware Cooperative MAC Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks." (2014): 1-1.
  • [WLZZ14] Wang, Jianxin, Zhixiong Liu, Shigeng Zhang, and Xi Zhang. "Defending collaborative false data injection attacks in wireless sensor networks." Information Sciences 254 (2014): 39-53.
  • [WSC14] Wang, Zhiwei, Guozi Sun, and Danwei Chen. "A New definition of Homomorphic signature for identity management in mobile cloud computing." Journal of Computer and System Sciences 80, no. 3 (2014): 546-553.
  • [WXY14] Wu, Xiaohu, et al. "A tag encoding scheme against pollution attack to linear network coding." Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on 25.1 (2014): 33-42.
  • [XCLL14] Xin, Huang, Zhen Yu Chen, Hui Liu, and Bo Li. "Study on Secure Coding Based Information Encryption." Applied Mechanics and Materials 443 (2014): 551-555.
  • [XXHW14] Xiong, Yu, Zhongyang Xiong, Jiandong He, and Qing Wu. "Agile protection based on network coding against key link failures." Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics (2014).
  • [Y14] Yoon, Duk Hee. "Physical layer security against pollution attack in wireless relay networks using random network coding." (2014).
  • [Y14b] Yang, Yang. "Broadcast encryption based non-interactive key distribution in MANETs." Journal of Computer and System Sciences 80, no. 3 (2014): 533-545.
  • [YCD14] Yao S, Chen J, Du R, et al. A Survey of Security Network Coding toward Various Attacks[C]//Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), 2014 IEEE 13th International Conference on. IEEE, 2014: 252-259.
  • [YDSM14] Yao, Hongyi,Silva Danilo, Jaggi Sidharth, Langberg, Michael. "Network Codes Resilient to Jamming and Eavesdropping." IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING, 22 (6) (2014): 1978-1987.
  • [YLN14] Yan Q, Lu N, Ning T W, et al. IP Traceback Algorithm Based on Deterministic Linear Network Coding[C]//Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS), 2014 Tenth International Conference on. IEEE, 2014: 397-401.
  • [Z14] Zhang, Yu. "A MAC-based scheme for multi-generation content distribution with network coding." In Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp. 1256-1260. IEEE, 2014.
  • [ZLJF14] Zhang, Peng, Chuang Lin, Yixin Jiang, Yanfei Fan er al. "A Lightweight Encryption Scheme for Network-Coded Mobile Ad Hoc Networks". IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, 25 (9), 2014:2211 - 2221.
  • [ZKET14] Zaker, Nima, Burak Kantarci, Melike Erol-Kantarci, and Hussein T. Mouftah. "Smart grid monitoring with service differentiation via epon and wireless sensor network convergence." Optical Switching and Networking (2014).
  • [ZWFCD14] Zhang, Xingjun, Yuxing Wu, Scott Fowler, Song Cen, and Xiaoshe Dong. "Joint Source-Channel Coding With Unequal Protection For Real-Time Scalable Video Transmission." Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 20, no. 1 (2014): 77-90.

  • [A13] Adeli, Majid. "Security protocols for linear network coding." (2013).
  • [AE13] Abuzainab, Nof, and Anthony Ephremides. "Energy and delay costs of security for wireless file distribution." In Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 2013 18th International Conference on, pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2013.
  • [AHC13] Ahmed, Muhammad R., Xu Huang, and Hongyan Cui. "Mrakov Chain Monte Carlo Based Internal Attack Evaluation for Wireless Sensor Network." International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security 13, no. 3 (2013).
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